Travel Security Hotline

24/7 security consulting and assistance before and during the trip.

Europeiska ERV offers access to global security consulting and assistance in corporation with Crisis24, the world’s leading integrated risk management provider.

About Travel Security Hotline

Travel Security Hotline provides unlimited access to security consulting and assistance via phone, round-the-clock, all year long. With a team of highly trained analysts, operators and security experts, we provide localized services globally so you can be prepared and handle risk related incidents in the best possible way. This gives your employees the best possible conditions to travel safely on business trips around the world.

Support via Travel Security Hotline

When contacting Travel Security Hotline the employees can get help with everything related to travel security, i.e. what to do if you lose your passport, or support and advice if the employees feel unsafe in the local environment. The team of experts are also specialists in dealing with more rare and extreme situations such as natural disasters, political demonstrations or terrorist acts - incidents that may require both crisis management and evacuation assistance.

One point of contact

Your employees will call the same number available 24/7, for both medical assistance and security related issues. Agents will screen the call and decide if medical help or security advice is needed. Global medical assistance is included as a standard in an insurance agreement with Europeiska ERV.

Travel Security Hotline - an extra service
This service is available for companies who has a Corporate Travel Insurance with the Security Package add-on, or an Expatriate Insurance at Europeiska ERV.

Contact us to learn more
If you are interested in offering your employees access to the service Travel Security Hotline, or have additional questions, please contact us at +46 770 457 970 or

Specialised consulting
Consulting and assistance via phone from specialists in travel security, crisis management and data protection.

One point of contact - 24/7
One point of contact for all types of assistance - security or medical. Round-the-clock, all year long.

Global assistance
Crisis24 has a global team of experts combined with in-depth knowledge of local conditions.

Help and consultancy in all possible scenarios (the examples below are fictitious)

Risk assessment before the trip

Uncertain weather conditions

You are flying to Venezuela with a stopover in the US. You read on the news that the country is experiencing heavy rain and large landslides.

Your flight is not cancelled due to the weather situation, but you are starting to feel worried.

Question to Travel Security Hotline:

  • Is my itinerary affected by the weather conditions?
  • Should I stay in the US until the weather situation is more stabilised in Venezuela?
  • How do I keep track of the situation in Venezuela?
Security consulting during the trip

Demonstration in Hong Kong
You are in Hong Kong and while visiting a restaurant; you discover that there are large demonstrations in the streets surrounding the restaurant.

You are unable to find a taxi and it doesn’t feel safe to walk back to the hotel from the restaurant.

Question to Travel Security Hotline

  • What is going on outside the restaurant?
  • Should I stay here or is it too dangerous?
  • How do I safely get to my hotel?

There is an explosion in the city where you are located. You are nearby and on your way from your hotel to a meeting and people are starting to panic around you.

You feel uneasy about the situation and don’t know what do to.

Question to Travel Security Hotline

  • What is going on?
  • How do I proceed from here?
  • Where can I be safe?


How do my employees contact Travel Security Hotline?

Your employees will call Europeiska ERV Alarm at +46 770 456 920. Here they will quickly assess whether the call is about medical assistance or travel security. In the case of travel security the employee is transferred to Travel Security Hotline. Your employees will have one point of contact for all type of assistance.

How much does it cost to contact Travel Security Hotline?

Once you have purchased Travel Security Hotline there is no additional cost for using the service.

Is the service available for the family of the employees?

Travel Security Hotline is only available for the policyholder and cannot be used by family of employees.

What is the Security Package?

The Security Package is an additional coverage for our Global Travel Insurance. It covers in case of evacuation, extended stays and additional costs due to political unrest, acts of terrorism or other unforseen incidents. The Security Package also covers in the event of kidnapping or hiijacking as well as search and rescue.